Donate Today!
Your monetary donations help to pay for medical care for animals and to fund building improvements that make the shelter a healthier, safer place for the animals who reside there.
You can make an online donation through Paypal by following the donate link at the bottom of the navigation bar or by mailing a check to the address listed there.
We are always looking for volunteers to help in a variety of ways.
If you would like to become a volunteer please fill out the Contact Us form and we will be in touch with you!
Save Grocery Recipes!
Save receipts from these local businesses and mail them to the addresses listed below. The Friends of the Scituate Animal Shelter will receive a donation when collected receipt totals reach a designated amount.
Dino’s Park-n-Shop
mail to:
Carol Palmer
518 Willie Woodhead Road
Glocester, RI 02814
Brigido’s IGA
mail to:
Beverly Palombo
943 Hartford Pike
No. Scituate, RI 02857